Congratulation on Fujimoto for winning the award of the oral presentation! Haruna Fujimoto won the presentation award in CSJ West Japan Chemistry Forum 2019.

Congratulation on Harada for winning the award of the oral presentation! Kentaro Harada won the best presentation award in 16th Nano Bio Info Chemistry Symposium.

Congratulation on Harada for winning the award of the excellent poster presentation! KentaroHarada won the award in 17th Symposium on Host-Guest Chemistry for young scientist.

Congratulation on Fujii for winning the award of the excellent poster presentation! Naoka Fujii won the award in 33th Symposium on Polymer Science in Chugoku-Shikoku Area for young scientist.

Congratulation on Nitta for winning the award of the excellent poster presentation! Nastumi Nitta won the award in 7th Joint Master Thesis Defence of Element Blocks.

Congratulation on Nitta for winning the award of the excellent poster presentation! Nastumi Nitta won the award in IPC 2018.

Congratulation on Yamato for winning the award of the excellent oral presentation! Kairi Yamato won the award in 14th Nano Bio Info Chemistry Symposium.

Congratulations on Shimoyama for winning the award of the excellent poster presentation! Daisuke Shimoyama won the award in the 11th Symposium on Organic π-Electron Systems.

Congratulations on Shimoyama for winning the award of the chemistry letter young award! Daisuke Shimoyama won the award in the 11th Symposium on Organic π-Electron Systems.

Congratulations on Shimoyama for winning the award of the excellent poster presentation! Daisuke Shimoyama won the award in the 44th symposium on Main Group Element Chemistry.